Wyer vs Tesla, Inc. et. al.
California Court of Appeals, Case No. G062810
An Expose'
Why did I develop this site?
I developed this website for my husband, David Wyer, and our family as an expose' about the Wyer vs. Tesla case, and to provide an overview of vast data about the interworkings of a case against Tesla litigated in parallel in Court and through JAMS.
Who am I?
My name is Sharon Wyer. I have a PhD in Leadership, am earning a second PhD in Clinical Psychology, and was formerly the HR Director of a public school district in the State of Washington. Concerning employment law, I know what’s legal and what isn’t.
David’s case against Tesla is a strong one, as he is in several protected classes, including as a 67-year-old man clinically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Who will be interested in this information?
If you are a shareholder, journalist, or litigant against Tesla, present or future, this information may help you. If you are over the age of 65, or have a clinical diagnosis of ASD, or know someone with a clinical diagnosis of ASD, you may be particularly interested in Dave's case.
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Do you want to know more about
2018 - 2019 at Tesla?
Did you know?
According to 2022 data, nearly 58 million adults ages 65 and older live in the U.S., accounting for about 17.3% of the nation's population.
We are all aging.
JAMS arbitration “litigated” 205 cases for Tesla from 2016 to 2021.
To initiate Dave’s case in JAMS, Tesla (Zachary Kirkhorn) issued a check for $165,180, which Tesla's attorney submitted into the public record as evidence.